Privacy Policy - Summary

The top priority for is to uphold user privacy. To protect users' rights and facilitate their access to privacy, a privacy compliance framework has been instituted.

This privacy policy is designed to provide you with comprehensive information about the types of data we collect, how it is utilized, and the various options available for specific data usage. Implemented for the benefit of all users of our services, the privacy policy's key components are summarized in the following section. We kindly urge all California residents to read our California privacy notice.

Users of Our Services contribute precise information about their usage habits, visited websites, interactions with content, and the specifications of the device and operating system used to access Our Services. We will maintain your phone number on file for a duration of three months in case you wish to avail yourself of our "click to call" service.

Various reasons drive the collection of this information, encompassing website upkeep, service delivery, quality enhancement, statistical analysis, and the resolution of payment-related disputes with our suppliers, customers, and business partners.

Only when deemed essential to provide Our Services or as required by law will personal information be disclosed. It is highly advised that individuals familiarise themselves with our extensive privacy policy, as it is legally binding.

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 20, 2021

Clarity is essential to us, and we aim to be transparent about how (referred to as "we," "our," or "us") collects data related to the Site, its functions, subdomains, and services. This privacy policy has been developed for that reason. The term "Our Services" covers all the products, features, information, and services available on our website. The headings in this policy are structured logically for ease of navigation, focusing on improving user comprehension and simplifying the exploration of the privacy policy.

The company is at liberty to amend its privacy policy as it sees fit without external interference. The most recent update date of the Privacy Policy is consistently visible at the bottom, and any alterations are announced on our website. Through your use or interaction with the Site, encompassing any subsequent downloads or access made after the changes, you acknowledge and agree to the updated Privacy Policy. In the case of substantial changes, timely public notification will be made through proper channels, like a notice on the website, at least seven (7) days before the changes are implemented. The changes will be effective seven (7) days after the notification is published.

1.Terms of Use.

The Privacy Policy is entirely incorporated into the Terms of Use. In instances where certain terms in the Privacy Policy lack explicit definitions, it is crucial to understand their meaning within the context in which they are employed.

2.Our Processing Legal Foundations.

Personal data is handled and used in accordance with data protection laws. Typically, one or more of the following legal bases are respected when dealing with personal data:

2.1. Fulfillment of a Contract. When you use Our Services, you explicitly give consent for us to provide you with Our Services according to our detailed Terms of Use. Processing specific Personal Information, such as your IP address, may be essential for completing this activity.

2.2. Justifiable Interests. Legal usage of Personal Information collected from our services' users for legitimate business purposes, such as conducting analytics, improving user experiences, preventing fraud, and maintaining security, is permitted.

2.3. Legal Responsibilities. Meeting legal or regulatory obligations, such as responding to consumer complaints or providing information to regulatory bodies, may require obtaining personal data in certain situations.

2.4. Assent. For the purpose of offering additional services, obtaining a person's explicit consent may be necessary for the processing and use of personal information. Services such as creating user profiles, receiving personalized offers, writing product reviews, and subscribing to newsletters fall into this category. If legal, you can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the link provided, and we will contact you as necessary after confirming your request.

3.Data That We Handle.

Using a variety of methods, we gather data on how users engage with and utilize Our Services.

3.1. Data You Provide Us. Certain features and services on Our Services necessitate the submission of specific personal information. This encompasses tasks like establishing a user profile, contributing reviews for products or services, subscribing to newsletters, and obtaining promotional content. We diligently seek your voluntary consent before gathering any personal data, as explained in the subsequent section if you agree to our privacy policy.

The term "Personal Information" in this Privacy Policy pertains to any data that, on its own or in combination with other information, can be utilized to identify a specific individual. This includes various particulars such as home address, phone number, email address, full name, and additional contact information. The classification of an IP address as personal information hinges on factors like its intended use and the legal jurisdiction in question. The user's Internet service provider assigns the IP address to their device, influencing its classification. In the rare event of discovering personally identifiable information, it will be handled with utmost care, although the suggested method does not enable user identification.

3.1.1. Utilizing Forms and Services Offered by Third Parties: As a corporate entity, we deliver a spectrum of services, including the evaluation and analysis of various brands, enterprises, and entities referred to as "Partners." Concurrently, we scrutinize the accompanying products offered by these Partners, categorizing them as "Products." Users may intermittently discover supplementary opportunities, resources, and services through our partners. By actively completing an online form, users can explore these added possibilities. The details provided on the form streamline the processing of your engagement by the relevant Partner ("Lead").

For commencing a transaction with a Partner or gaining more insights about a Partner or Product, click on the relevant Partner icon or tab. Subsequently, a tailored landing page will be presented, managed by the Partner. The organization overseeing the ownership and administration of this website is the Partner itself. Importantly, the website is reachable through multiple online gateways. Visitors might encounter requests for specific details on the landing page, such as their name, phone number, and email address—collectively known as "Landing Page Info."

Understanding that the Partner in charge of the landing page promptly acquires user information is of paramount importance. Consequently, the particulars provided will be subjected to the privacy policy and data collection protocols of the Partner. It is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of the respective entities to gain a comprehensive understanding of how your Personal Information is obtained and employed.

3.1.2. Contact Us. The company maintains the right to request the provision of specific Personal Information, like the user's name and email address, if a user reaches out to us through any of our various communication channels, including emails, web forms, feedback forms, or service reporting tools. The regulations detailed in sections 4 and 5 of the Privacy Policy articulate that the user's provided information, along with the details of their inquiry, will be used to fulfill their request and accomplish our legitimate business objectives.

3.1.3. Blogs, Newsletters, Surveys, and Promotions. Our services encompass a blog forum, reviews, and articles discussing Partners, Services, Products, and relevant business verticals. Participants also have the option to engage in newsletter subscriptions, marketing campaigns, and polls. The execution of these tasks can be managed either internally or by external contractors. When individuals participate in specific activities like responding to surveys, subscribing to newsletters, or leaving comments on blogs, they might be prompted to provide Personal Information, such as their name and email address. It's noteworthy that in such cases, this information will be shared with a third party, and their privacy policy will supersede ours. We assure you that we will use the provided information exclusively for its intended purposes.

3.1.4. User Reviews and User Profiles. The choice is yours — users can either request the establishment of a user profile for our services or seek an assessment of our partners. This empowers us to gain insights into your preferences, leading to a more personalized and distinct user experience.

3.2. Information Obtained From Your Interaction. Various Techniques Are Employed to Gather Information on the Utilization and Interaction with Our Services.

3.2.1. Information about the Device: The collection of device-specific information facilitates improved service delivery and ensures cross-device compatibility in language, location, and time zone. Essential attributes include device type, operating system, language, and user agent details (browser type and screen resolution).

3.2.2. Interactions and Usage: Gathering data on user behavior is a key strategy to enhance and optimize the functionality of our services, and this information is shared with partners and affiliates. Users can log in through Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) from internal and external sources. Additionally, we keep tabs on user activity, monitoring views and clicks, and documenting the chronological sequence of user interactions on the website, including the specific day and time of their visits.

3.2.3. Log Files: Utilizing tracking technologies like pixel tags, our platforms collect data from server log files, scrutinizing user behavior to recognize patterns and evaluate interactions with our services. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, provided by Internet service providers (ISPs) to users' devices, are part of the data set. The primary objective is to discern user location, including preferred language, country, and state. This ensures the delivery of services in a language matching users' native tongue and appropriate for their location. Additionally, automated processes inspect IP addresses for indications of unethical behavior.

3.2.4. Cookies and Similar Technologies. Technologies such as "cookies," "web beacons," and "pixel tags" may be employed in conjunction with our services to anonymously monitor users online. These technologies can be utilized by us or other service providers. A "cookie" refers to a small digital file sent by a website to a user's computer. Cookies play a vital role in enabling the website to identify and recognize the specific browser a user is using upon their return. Through this functionality, the website can store and retrieve user preferences and relevant data about their interactions with Our Services. Users have the option to fully accept cookies or receive notifications whenever a new cookie is added to their web browser. Opting for this, however, may disable certain features or services on the website, limiting access to specific sections.

The utilization of an embedded device known as a "pixel tag" is common on websites for monitoring and documenting user activity, including, when applicable, email access and reading. The effective interplay of cookies is commonly witnessed.

For a thorough comprehension of the different cookie types employed and the incorporation of tracking technologies and cookies on Our Services, we encourage you to meticulously read our Cookie Policy.

3.3. Information we receive from Third Parties. The synergy of our services with other organizations, affiliates, and partners aims to optimize operational efficiency. Data is collected from various origins, with an internal user identity generator and the assessment of user activities, covering clicks, purchases, views, form submissions, and phone calls.

Our platform's click-to-call feature simplifies customers' swift access to diverse services. In such cases, engagement with external service providers facilitates call routing, monitoring, and reporting. This indicates a temporary retention of the contact phone number, excluding personal information. The primary objective of this data is to enhance the effectiveness of our partnerships and recommendations. However, your granted permissions clearly define the restricted use of your data, adhering to its original intended purposes.

4. Agreement, Option, and Adjustments.

Users have the option to provide or not provide Personal Information when using Our Services. Participation in this activity is entirely up to the user's discretion. Through the utilization of our services, users are deemed to agree with the terms specified in the privacy statement and relevant information practices. We kindly urge users of Our Services to share these viewpoints.

It's up to the user to decide whether to use various services, even if it requires providing specific personal information. Changing one's decision is always possible, even if sensitive information has been disclosed. For more information on opting out and withdrawing consent, refer to section 8.

5.Purposes for the collection of information.

Gathering Personal Information, also known as "your Information," is primarily geared towards simplifying the provision of Our Services and enhancing their overall quality. Various objectives for the utilization of this information include improving user engagement with our services, raising the overall standard of the services, overseeing recommendations and advertisements, confirming user identities, preventing fraud, addressing user inquiries and other communications, and validating user access to and utilization of our services.

6.Sharing Your Information with Third Parties.

Disclosure of personal information to non-affiliated external entities is limited to certain circumstances:

6.1. Infrastructure for Securing and Maintaining Data ("Data Platforms"): Leverage "Data Platforms," which are external cloud and storage solutions, for more efficient user data management. Consequently, user data is shared with multinational companies, including American firms, for storage and processing needs. For a comprehensive view of their privacy practices, visit for Amazon Web Services' privacy policy. We apply strict data security and privacy protocols to these Data Platforms in line with relevant data protection legislation. It's important to understand that their privacy policies are exclusive to their internal operations.

6.2. Social Media Platforms. For purposes like marketing and operations, social networks including Facebook and LinkedIn could collect and utilize personal data about you that isn't directly connected to your identity. These entities are able to gather personal data on their own and might amalgamate it with the information we contribute, contingent on receiving explicit user approval. We lack the capacity to influence or fully grasp the privacy strategies of these social media platforms, which govern the dissemination of personal data. Californians possess the legal right, as outlined in Section 9 of our Privacy Notice, to reject involvement in data sharing.

6.3. Other Third Parties. Assistance from external parties like customer service personnel and companies that handle phone or email administration may involve accessing your provided information. These companies play a role in user activity analysis and improving offerings. It's vital for these service providers to implement their privacy policies and ensure user awareness. Before engaging with these companies, we suggest a detailed review of their policies. The location of these companies' headquarters varies globally, depending on their server infrastructure placement.

6.4. Enforcement. Sharing Personal Information with other parties may be an option if it's seen as helpful or required. This could encompass a range of situations, such as obeying applicable legal stipulations, rules, court directives, or authorities' requests. Furthermore, this approach could be employed to investigate possible infractions of our usage terms, identify and mitigate fraud or security risks, and protect the interests, privacy, or safety of, our affiliate organizations, you, and/or the wider community.

6.5. Partners and Products. There may be occasions where sharing Personal Information with other entities is considered beneficial or necessary. Reasons for this include adhering to appropriate laws, regulations, court decisions, or complying with authoritative requests. Further, these measures may be employed to investigate possible infringements of our terms of use, uncover and rectify fraud or security issues, and safeguard the interests, privacy, or safety of, our partnered firms, yourself, and/or the public.

6.6. Merger, Sale or Bankruptcy. If and its partner firms consider selling a portion or all of their assets, or contemplate merging or acquiring another company, there might be a transfer or handover of Personal Information and other data that has been compiled or received. In such scenarios, it is incumbent upon the data-gathering organization to conduct data processing in a transparent and ethical manner, while upholding the rights of individuals in line with the prevailing laws of their countries of residence.

Under particular circumstances, non-personal information might be shared with external third parties and within specific organizations. Services and features may be offered by companies outside our organization for mutual benefit. When our website integrates with services or products from organizations like Tableau and Google Analytics, it streamlines data collection from user interactions. The tracking of user activities such as clicking, scrolling, moving the cursor, and typing is utilized to refine the provided information and the content displayed on our site.

On our website, various third-party applications may use their own cookies to fulfill specific functions, with each conforming to its respective privacy rules. You are encouraged to read our Cookie Policy for detailed information about our cookie usage. To learn about Google's cookie practices, please click the provided link. Additionally, if you choose not to participate in Google Analytics, there is a link available for opting out.

7.Linkages and Interactions with Third-Party Platforms.

Links to external documents, online files, or webpages, collectively termed "Third Party Properties," may be found on this website, but these are not under our direct control. These include web pages that are part of third-party organizations. If users opt to follow these links and disclose their personal information on the sanctioned Third-Party Properties, it may be collected by these third parties. It's important to note that and its partner companies may have arrangements with these third parties that involve the sharing and receipt of data, including Personal Information. Keep in mind that the privacy policies and data collection practices of these third-party entities do not apply to Third-Party Properties and Products. We strongly advise users to thoroughly examine the privacy policies and terms of service of any Third-Party Property before engaging or interacting with them.

8.Choices and Opt-Out.

Our Privacy Policy empowers users to make an informed and cautious choice about sharing their personal data with us. This applies to users no matter where they are based. The opportunity for people to assert their rights in relation to personal information is dependent on a set of specific conditions:

8.1. Cookies and Tracking Technologies. By changing their web browser settings, users can limit or opt out of cookie usage by third-party websites or services. For additional information regarding this, please consult Section 2.1.1 of the current agreement.

8.2. Users are encouraged to conduct a detailed review of their Personal Information, make necessary adjustments, or if the information is no longer required, request its elimination from our systems. For further details, please see the previously indicated Section 2.

9.Your Rights.

9.1. EU Data Subject Rights. When collecting, using, and retaining personal data, the GDPR is adhered to.

For users residing in the EU, you can choose from these alternatives:

9.2. Canada.  Canadian residents can reach out to [email protected] by email to check whether their personal data is being distributed to third parties for direct marketing.

9.3. Privacy Notice for California Residents. People residing in California may be subject to California law in specific contexts involving personal data. We have an additional segment in our privacy policy that offers details potentially pertinent to Californians' unique cases. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) endows California residents with specific rights over their personal data. These rights are available to Californians who are in compliance with the law.

10.Information Security.

Our business prioritizes data security, and we have implemented protective measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of information that is transmitted, processed, and stored through our website and computer systems. The website is secured with SSL encryption, and we routinely conduct reviews to safeguard the integrity and privacy of our data handling processes. Data transfers and storage are secured using third-party services that conform to recognized standards and certifications in information security. To manage and monitor employee access to sensitive information effectively, our company has put in place monitoring mechanisms and access restriction protocols.

While we take significant steps to protect our systems, the reality of the global network's complexity means that total security against unauthorized access and other security challenges is not entirely achievable. As a result, we cannot offer a definitive guarantee that security breaches will never occur in our systems and services.

11. Children’s Privacy.

Our services are not intended for individuals under the age of sixteen, and our organization explicitly prohibits the collection of Personal Information from those in this age group. Should we unintentionally obtain such information from someone under sixteen, we will take immediate measures to delete it. If you suspect that we might have inadvertently collected information from a minor, please email us at [email protected] for assistance.

12. Non-US Users.

Personal Information may be transferred from an individual's home or origin country to another nation. It's important to be aware that some countries might not safeguard personal information to the same extent as the individual's native country. For instance, there is a considerable chance that your personal data might be moved to the United States. Especially in these instances, we implement specific contractual arrangements with our external service providers to maintain adequate protection of data during its processing.

When you use our services and supply your Personal Information, you are willingly consenting to the data usage as laid out in this Privacy Policy. A key aspect of this consent is the transfer of data to other nations, including the United States.

13. Commitment.

We are really proud of the commitment our Services show towards maintaining the highest privacy standards in the industry, constantly monitoring and adapting to the latest developments. This dedication ensures that we are always in tune with the ever-changing needs of our clients.

14. Contact Us.

This privacy statement is intentionally brief and factual. For any inquiries, please reach out to us at [email protected]. In addition, UK residents are legally entitled to file a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), accessible at